About Me
My name is Timi and computers are my hobby. I love programming security tools and everything that goes with it! I am a Computer Science major from USF in Tampa. My area of specialty is the the Win API and memory efficiency algorithms, which can mean whatever you want them to mean. Computer security is an area that has intrigued me for the better part of my life and still does imensly.
The reason for this site is to share what I love with whoever stumbles here. If you like any of the material you see just drop me a line.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
- Albert Einstein

The first time i saw a computer, or what I would learn later to be a computer was through the window of a small building in a third world country. I was 10 years old and remember seeing the windows logo screen saver bouncing from corner to corner. I would see the same thing another day while we waited in the airport all night before we boarded a plane for America. The first time I actully touched a computer was when we bought an old one from a thift store, what a beauty! From then on i was hooked.